Monday, October 20, 2008

Assignments 4 and 5 Available

Assignments 4 and 5 are now available. Both are due the same week, so I wanted to make sure they were posted early enough to give you time to work on them. For planning purposes, there will only be one more assignment after these two.

Assignment 4 covers the networking material we began before break and will finish when we return.

Assignment 5 covers the Boss, I Think Someone Stole Our Customer Data case study.

For Assignment 5, you need to read the case study, which was published in the Harvard Business Review. Due to copyright restrictions, I cannot give you the file just yet. I am working on getting electronic copies for you. In the meantime, if you want to get a head start, you can read and/or copy it in the periodicals room at the library. There is an electronic database containing the article available through the library website, but the copyright conditions on that article state that those copies cannot be used as "assigned course material."

The case appears in the September 2007 issue of Harvard Business Review on pages 37-50.

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