Friday, November 20, 2009

Google Chrome OS

In 2010, Google will attempt to break into the operating system market with the release of Chrome OS. The driving principal behind the operation system is speed. Google’s engineers goal were to produce an experience similar to television, with regards to speed.
From a security point of view, one advantage of Chrome OS will have over the established PC model is that Chrome will not allow applications to install locally or make changes to the operating system. In laymen’s terms, instead of installing programs to the hard drive, like the established PC model, the programs will be available through the internet, like iphone apps. All of your data and applications will be automatically synced to the cloud. Matt Papakipos, engineering director on the projected, summed up this move by saying, "If I lose my Chrome OS machine, I should be able to go get a new machine, and have everything back up running in seconds" via the automated cloud backups.
As for encryption, all user data on every Chrome device will be encrypted, in case the device is lost or stolen. Another aspect of the boot process enhances security. “A verified boot process applies cryptographic signature keys to each chunk of code, so the system can check the validity of module of the operating system before it is allowed to execute. In the event that some element of code doesn't check out--due to malware or other corruption, the system will run an automated recovery procedure repair itself by redownloading the appropriate version of Chrome and reimaging the OS” (Strohmeyer).


  1. This new operating system sounds amazing. It sounds like many security problems associated with the tradional operating systems can be avoided with this new Google operating system. Will the Google operating system be able compatible with all computers? One problem with Chrome is that users can only use web-based applications. This can potentially be an issue for people that want to use more advanced programs which need to be performed on operating systems that store data on hard drives. It seems that the Chrome operating system will be more of an alternative for users which want to use their computer for everyday browsing and more simple applications.

  2. Google is always innovating to newer and better systems that usually guarantees high customer satisfaction. I think the concept of Chrome is very practical and will prove advantageous to almost anyone needing a place to quickly store and access information. We have transformed to a "now" generation, and have very little patience when it comes to technology. We need everything now, as fast as possible. If we wait for more than ten seconds for something to load, then we give up or find something faster. Chrome OS is a great way to meet the demands of the people while still offering reliable backup plans for crashed systems or security breaches.

  3. The Chrome OS, at least for now, seems geared more toward netbooks than to PCs. As a result, it will probably be adopted by a fairly tech-savvy audience. (My mom wouldn't know what to do with a netbook... she'll be sticking with a Windows PC.) This could mean that the users of Chrome might be comparatively more aware of security -- keeping all their programs updated, using more secure passwords, not replying to phishing emails or clicking on popup ads.

    This OS will rely very heavily on password security, though. If all the information is available "on the cloud," the security of that information will depend on the security of the user's password... which is sometimes a bit less than desired.

  4. I have always thought about who could possibly take over Apple and Microsoft in producing one of the leading operating systems in the computer world, and I finally believe that Google could do it. Google typically has innovative and creative products that the computing world becomes obsessed with. However, I do feel that Microsoft and Apple have a strong grasp on the operating system market. It will be interesting to see how this OS affects Google's stock price and revenue. I think that this has a chance to be a positive project by creating positive revenue, however Apple and Microsoft's monopoly on the OS market could create significant problems for Google and their attempt to establish a new operating system.

  5. To reiterate what RonMexico said, this does sound amazing. If only I would have invested in when it started... it seems that Google is at the forefront of technology and is constantly in the news for pioneering or attempting to pioneer breakthroughs in the computer world and beyond.

    Regarding Google's future operating system, Chrome, it seems that some of the fundamental problems with normal operating systems will be eliminated. Automatic system backups and unlimited storage on the "Cloud" are enticing features. I am interested in knowing some of the downsides (If there are any) and how successful this system will be when it is released!

  6. I think that this new google Chrome OS sounds like an awesome idea. If this is able to all check out it would create a good base for security as well. The only small problem would be if the system is compromised then all the information could be accessed extremely quickly. The idea of this system like I said though is awesome. If they are able to make it work it will open up many doors for the idea of high speed and make things much more accessible. The other thing is getting people to use and implement this operating system. People feel comfortable and safe using the other systems right now. I think google is onto something with this Chrome.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. At first glance this seems to be a very efficient idea and it is no surprise to me that it came from Google. My only issue with cloud computing is that everyones data is stored in a central location floating in cyberspace. Yes, this concept does provide users with the peace of mind to know that if their computer fails that none of their data will be lost. Imagine though if this cloud were to be hacked and everyones information was compromised. Cloud computing seems to be the next big step in data storage and it will be successful as long as the users info is secure.

  9. As everyone previously mentioned, Google is always looking to improve the user's experience. In theory, they have created what seems to be the almost perfect operating system. It sounds too good to be true. With the amount of different security aspects in this system, there should be few, if any, security threats. Sadly, I believe it would take little to no time for an individual to hack into the Chrome OS system. Although people have spent countless hours to make this operating system safe for its users, other people will spend countless hours trying to compromise the system.
