Thursday, August 20, 2009

Case Studies

In order to provide a broad exposure to information security issues and events, each studentis expected to present one case study to the class during the course of the semester. The case study topics we'll tentatively cover each day are listed below. If you would like to cover a topic not appearing below, feel free to suggest something new and we'll cover it in class.

  • 9/3: Therac-25 - Joe J.
  • 9/8: - Kali
  • 9/10: Fake Subpoenas - Rebecca
  • 9/15: Norwegian ATMs - Ryan
  • 9/22: ChoicePoint - Morgan
  • 9/24: Epilepsy Foundation - Chelsey K
  • 9/24: Stock Spam - Will
  • 9/29: Lost Laptop - TMGP
  • 10/1: Hacking Jail - Ross
  • 10/8: Getting Hackers Through Their Targets - John C
  • 10/8: Phishing Scams - John F.
  • 10/13: Landline Hacking - Kyle
  • 10/13: Conficker - James

  • 10/27: Restaurant Credit Card Fraud - Ray

  • 10/27: Open Topic - Scott

  • 10/29: TEMPEST - Andrew

  • 10/29: Open Topic #2 - Ryne

  • 11/3: Open topic - Sadie

  • 11/3: Campus Security Breaches - Kelly

  • 11/5: Open Topic - Ty
  • 11/5: Open Topic - Dave

  • 11/12: Internet Explorer - Michelle

  • 11/17: Home/Work Location Pair Anonymity - David S.
  • 11/17: Open Topic - Brian

  • 11/19: Open Topic - Christian

  • 11/24: Open Topic #1 - Mike U.

  • 11/24: iPhone vs. Blackberry Security - Dominique

  • 12/3: Etrade Salami Slicing - Vinnie

  • 12/8: Open Topic - Tom

  • 12/10: Open Topic - Ryan

The topics above are linked to supporting materials, where available. You may need to do additional research to provide enough material to fill your class discussion time. Your talk should be about 10 minutes long and cover the following items:

  • What happened?
  • What is the root cause of the event?
  • What would you have done differently?

Please select a topic by adding a comment to this blog post. First come, first served


  1. I would like to do "Lost Laptop"

  2. Hacking Jail is already taken. I'm putting names next to the topics if they've been selected.

  3. I would like to do "Stock Spam"

  4. Professor Chapple,

    I messed up with my account for the blog so I figured I would write another comment just in case I needed to. I would like to do "Stock Spam."

  5. For these case studies should we make a power point or something along those lines, or is it more of a quick oral presentation type of assignment?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi Professor,

    I'd like to do "Fake Subpoenas".

  8. If we choose a date for an open topic do we need to give you a topic now for it? I was hoping to do mine on 11/24...

  9. For your case studies, I would definitely recommend using a slide presentation to help structure it. Please bring it to class on a thumb drive so it's easy for us to load.

  10. Professor Chapple,

    I would like to present on 11/5

  11. I would like to do on 9/8.

  12. Professor,
    I would like to do "Attacking Hackers Through Their Targets" on 10/6.

  13. I would like to do "Therac-25"

  14. I would like 2 do credit card fraud in restaurants on 10/27

  15. Professor Chapple,
    I would like to present my case study on 11/10 but have yet to figure out my topic.

  16. Professor,

    I would like to cover the Heartland Payment Systems data compromise on 10/29

  17. I would like to cover an open topic on the 29th if that is still available.

  18. Professor,
    I would like to do the Norwegian ATMs case on 9/15.

  19. Professor,

    Could I have the Open Topic scheduled for 10/15? I am not positive what topic I plan on doing, but am considering researching computer worms, specifically the Conficker C worm.

  20. Blackberry vs. Iphone security features

  21. I would like to do Open Topic. I believe it's on 11/19?

  22. Professor Chapple,

    It doesn't look like there are any open dates available, I was wondering what topic or day I should sign up for?

  23. I just added another Open Topic on 10/27 for you.

  24. Professor,

    I would like to change my topic on 10/29 to cover TEMPEST attacks
