Sunday, November 9, 2008

New Comprehensive Information Security Laws

I was in Boston this weekend for the game, and during my time in Massachusetts I heard about the state's attempts to curb information breaches by setting several minimum-standards for companies to put in place to ensure their clients' personal information is secure.

Although these standards are already used by many companies, Massachusetts is one of the first (behind California) to step up the standards required to secure information.

State legislators and security officials are hopeful that the new Massachusetts regulations will have a ripple effect because any company that does business with clients in Mass., regardless of where it is based or its other clients reside, will have to abide by these new standards; meaning several companies will have to enact the new safer standards for client information.

Some of the new regulations include:

-More than one employee required to operate information security program

-More/advanced training for employees on the subject of information security

-Preventing terminated employees from accessing data or records

These regulations (and others) go into effect on January 1, 2009


  1. Here's the information for the laws:

  2. I personally am glad to see that states are starting to pass more laws to protect people. As technology advances and more and more things are done over the internet it becomes more important to protect the people who are using the internet for business, and everyday tasks. Also I believe that there will not be as many problems after these laws go into affect because employees will be better trained, thus they will make less mistakes.

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