Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hacking the Vote

The Hacking the Vote talk will take place on October 7th at 7PM in room 138 DeBartolo. You should consider this part of the class and the material in the talk is fair game for exams, etc. If you have a conflict, please let me know.

To make up for the out-of-class session, we will not have class on Monday, October 6th.

An abstract of the talk appears below:

The Internet plays a major role in fundraising, communication, and grassroots political organization for this year’s Presidential Election. States and counties across the country now depend upon electronic voting technology to securely and accurately count ballots. Individual voters trust that these systems will simultaneously preserve the secrecy of their ballots and protect the integrity of the democratic electoral process. Is this trust well-founded? Recent events indicate that these activities may jeopardize the very foundation of our political system. In this talk, we will examine the risks surrounding the integration of technology into all phases of the political process: campaigning, fundraising, voting and privacy and look at examples of these practices undermining the political process.

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